Saturday, February 20, 2010

Another lazy afternoon...

Woke up with a big yawn, a sparkle of love and scattered dreams of yesternight..What is it that I need to do cooking cuz that's done..visting Genuardi and Sabzi Mandi...oh I hate to do grocery:(

My husband told me the other day 'let's go skiing this weekend'..Now I think I was headless to say a 'no' to something like that.
Speaking of grocery again..I always wondered how my dad would go to the Indian bazaar every morning and get home fresh fish. I mean I love fish and love the way my mom cooked every delicacy..but going to the bazzar every morning? I would never do that. My dad has patience..he is NEVER tired..he is always on his toes..even when he sneezed and coughed, he would never fail to get into his shoes and go to the market. I always tried to stop him, told him what's the need really and he would answer me 'you need to eat fresh's good for your health'. That would stop me from questioning him further..parents never listen in such an instance.

Today as I lie on my bed thousands of miles away from home, biting my nails and talking to my dad through the webcam, I asked the same question again. He said with a sigh.."I don't go every morning..I shop in the evenings on my way from the's just your mom and me now.."

As we continued to speak, he sent me some pics taken on his latest camera phone (I can't tell you how excited he is with a new device). In one of them, my mom looked amazing, didn't know she looked so good in pink. Another snap made Baba (my father) look so old..his hair has grayed even more now..He will never go for a dye and rather prefers to gray with dignity. I wish I could change the way he thinks at times but gosh he is so stubborn..Don't know why but I suddenly felt so sad seeing him getting old..may be I should be around more at this time. I always see Baba as the enthusiastic, energetic man..the Mr.Dependable in our his black and white photographs capturing his college days, his youth..that's how I see him even now.

This post was not really meant to talk about my parents so much...but looks like it does now! Guess this is bound to happen when you miss some people terribly and long to give a BIG hug and say "Baba, Maa, I missed you so much!"


  1. good to see you write with so much poignance. on a different note u should learn how to ski, an excellent sport.

  2. I really understand how it feels to be away from home from your loved ones.

  3. Sanchinta, this is such a sweet post, it makes me a little teary. It is so hard to see our parents get older. But it's so nice that you appreciate your dad so much. Hope you are having a good Monday!

    xo Mary Jo

  4. Agree with the other commenters, Sanchita - this is a beautiful post, and one where the story your telling comes through so clearly.

    I'm in Canada and live thousands of miles away from my family now (I'm from the UK originally), so I can empathize with you completely. As children, we always want to become grown up and flee the nest to make our own way. Yet once we do, we often crave for the old ways too. Go figure...

    Thank you for sharing this with us.

  5. Thank you so much everyone!

    @Priyanka-for sharing your valuable thoughts as always:)
    @Sush- it was great to hear from you!

    A special thanks to:
    @ Mary Jo for finding some of your precious time to read my blog and being able to connect with my post. That means a lot..Think I made a new friend!

    @Danny-I follow your blog, learn from it. Reading your comment was like shaking hands with a star! Thank you so much for appreciating my articles in your blog post
    It's so very encouraging!

  6. Hey there Sanchita,

    You're more than welcome. And we're all learning every day from each other, doesn't matter if you've been blogging 10 years or 10 days - we all have something to share. Looking forward to seeing more of what you have to share. :)

  7. Thanks Sanchi for this post.I could relate myself with it. All parents are alike, reading about uncle felt like you were describing my father. Missing ma baba a lot.I wish I could go home.
