Friday, April 30, 2010

Hotel California? Why not!!


Just wanted to say how sorry I am for not being able to share anything on my blog this month..Have been extremely tied up with work, shopping, very little trip planning (lol) and other things which are not so important to the rest of the world (lol again)!

Am happy to be able to take a short trip to the west coast next week and hoping I will have lots n lots to share when I get back. Right now I am over-brimming with excitement and thrilled and chilled all the way down my spine. This trip is one of a dream come true kinds...something I have always dreamt of. It's like singing one of those favourite songs by heart, or taking autograph from your most loved thing after another. But I would just like to stop and thank my hubby whole-heartedly for making all this come true for me. When I come to think of it, it's actually a surprise he gave me when I wasn't really expecting such a break at this time. I needed it bad..real bad..Best Friends do understand you, don't they!

We all need a break before we break down. Just when you feel trapped and claustrophobic in a box, somebody comes and unlocks the lid..wooohoo! I really do hope we all have a great time, a safe journey and came back safe and sound with nothing lost. Looking forward to the melting sun, the breath-taking Canyons, the enchanting Vegas, the beautiful Pacific, thrill of California, the desert rose, the margaritas, lots of hugs, clicks and sleepless hectic days..haha..

I feel almost like Chris Griffin, enjoying every bit of the guitar even when I don't know how to play it :D

Will pen down lots more when I am back, till then..stay good all of you!

(pic courtesy-google images)


  1. Hey...stumbled on your blog from Priyanka's. Loved the line about when you take an autograph from your favourite celebrity. Only, the last time I did that I swooned on him and my companion had an embarrassing enough time. All said, have a happy trip !!

  2. Suchismita, thanks dear for stopping by:) By the way may I know who that celeb was?
